How to hide annoying message pop-up girl Electra

+5 votes

I dont know if anyone else gets annoyed by that girl, but here is how to hide her, at least temporary until page is refreshed. Using Chrome or Firefox:

Do this when she is on screen (or not, if you know what you doing)

Right Click, Inspect, Select an Element on page to inspect (box with pointer in it), click on her (it will scroll you to her div class="electra" ), couple lines above is div id="message_all", right click on it, Hide element.

Now she will be gone till next time you reload page.

asked Apr 3, 2016 in FAQ by StarWolf (17 points)

3 Answers

+8 votes
i like her, overall every time she shows the marvellous antibot <3
answered Apr 3, 2016 by Maulet (3,238 points)
0 votes
Thank you for the information. I use firefox. I too get annoyed with popups.
answered Apr 26, 2016 by Truthowl (28 points)
+1 vote
It should work permanently if you use AdBlock in Chrome. Right-click an object, navigate to 'AdBlock' -> 'Block this ad'. I haven't tried it with Electra yet (good idea, btw), but I was able to get rid of most of the annoying 'Use CC' buttons. If I actually need them, I simply pause AdBlock and reload the page. I'll check and will let you know.

Note: In Chrome, you need AdBlock and not AdBlock Plus. I believe (haven't tested, though) that for Firefox either one will do, although the method for marking an object to block would be different.
answered Apr 27, 2016 by Hermenegild (579 points)