How do i send a friend gifts

+2 votes
I have 2 new friends that i know that just started. I want to send them stuff to help them out since i'm a higher level . How do i send gifts to them, i have nade them friends, butt dont see an option to send stuff, all i see is challenge and chat options? Please advise on how to do this. someone said i need to make them buddies? is there a difference between friends and buddies? if so How do i make them Buddies? Thanks for any help in this matter.
asked Apr 11, 2016 in FAQ by Studly (14 points)

4 Answers

+6 votes
using ups or mrw services
answered Apr 12, 2016 by Segador (862 points)
–2 votes
I don't think i can be of much help here, but at least I can try.

To the best of my knowledge this game doesn't have a feature to send stuff to other players. When you make someone a friend they will get a random gift that is not from your inventory. And when a player collects a gift a gift from another player a random gift is sent back to the giver.

As for difference between friends and buddies there are lots of "lost in translation" issues in this game. I belive the term buddies refer to the girls on your isnatch, ie fuckbuddies, while friends refer to the players you have added to your friendslist.

If player segador acctually knows of a way to send specific, not random, gifts to other players he is most welcome to share this information, although I suspect he wouldn't want to.
answered Apr 15, 2016 by rubberduck (678 points)
So you vote up for people making jokes and down for people trying to help? Really mature...
+5 votes
to make a friend become buddie u must give hard on his asshole
answered Apr 15, 2016 by Follet_Tortuga (1,385 points) 1 flag
I don't know much about that, but if you say so I believe you.
–5 votes
ok normally u have a blinking icon on ur friends avatar on the buddies tab

BUT i ve heard of someone who simply didnt have those and had to change navigator to be able to send gifts, so it might be ur issue.
answered Apr 16, 2016 by carnacien (1,895 points)