Am I the only person just getting Dust?? Or are they giving parts to items out anymore?

+8 votes
It has been over 8 weeks since actually gets a part to any item.  I just keep getting dust but can only make Cupid since i have an arrow which is the last item i got.   Am i the only person just getting DUST?

I used to get parts to guns, pimp outfit, etc.... now its all dust...

I was going to put this under open Beta Feb 2014 since that was around the same time the Dust issue started.
asked Apr 13, 2016 in New Features by Macarra (381 points)

4 Answers

–3 votes
Sadly, for you, yes - it does seem to be just you.  Item parts are still being distributed at the museum.  Yes they are rare, but that's the point?  You are just being more unlucky than the norm?
answered Apr 14, 2016 by Traghorn (335 points)
+3 votes
Not a answer... but still dust... no gun parts, or any other parts for that issue.  Makes me think they want the people that got the gattlin gun to be happy for a bit...  lol
answered Apr 19, 2016 by Macarra (381 points)
0 votes

Well, still getting dust but update, i got one part of cupid... So i bought the thing that should have been gone since it is past the Love of Love Holiday ( Valentine's Day )

Now at 30 White, 35 gold and 13 Pink -- the Odds are bit Fracked up since before Feburary it used to be 1 part of something every... 4 to 5 days...   *Yours truly... Taking in back door since

Valentine's Day  :) *

answered May 4, 2016 by Macarra (381 points)
0 votes

Well now i have a Feather??? Still Cupid Crap!  ""Anyone else having this issue or is just that what that guy

said.  I am that Lucky???""  Even tho i check in every day and same dust or cupid crap that should have been gone!!!

answered May 17, 2016 by Macarra (381 points)
edited May 18, 2016 by Macarra