How to do to win trophies?

+6 votes
Is useful to get trophies? How to earn them?
asked Apr 28, 2016 in FAQ by Escorxador (1,486 points)

2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
fight everywhere and everyone, no remorse, no see behind, bloody run!

useful for:

-players ranking



-gang fights and ranking
answered Jun 1, 2016 by Maulet (3,238 points)
edited Jun 1, 2016 by Maulet
0 votes
Trophies are useful, mainly for gang-related things, but they probably have use in other areas.  You win them simply by coming 1st, 2nd or 3rd in one of the leagues: Cock-Fighting, Film, Football or Pimp.
answered Apr 28, 2016 by Traghorn (335 points)
gang-related things? ... hummm... then, why ure alone with so many cups? u lie... ;P