–1 vote
I'm really Annoyed , I have seen many post , asking the same and neither the webmaster , administrator and HCL make nada.¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ Several users asked us the same

1- Because, if I have a level 38 a cock 20.2 . In turnips fight level player earns 31 17.5 dick ??

2- Because if I'm at level 39 I have 3 agents Smith and I am assailed by a player level 33 with Sporting Rifle & Win ??

3- Because there is a high for the curb assaults , robberies is valid but 1,2,3 times daily over 7 times the same user that assail us . ???

4- Because we have to hide our girls or Invisibility Cloak , those are the only options that help this game ?????

You agree that the rules of the game, that there must be used ,

Hopefully someone help me translate it into English to know how many are for changes to be made
asked May 3, 2016 in FAQ by JDIAZ2000 (45 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
I cannot address all your points fully, however:

1) 2 things control your level mojo and cock size.  If you restrict, for example, your mojo, your cock size wil continue to increase and you will not level up - leading to a bigger than usual cock size for ypur level.

2) More than just your weapon and security are involved: you also need to take account of your Fighting skill.  If yours is very low and opponent i shigh then yes, you may lose to a lower level with lesser security.

3) Some players find a target and attack them over and over.  Not much you can do but ride it out or ask fellow gang members (if you ar ein a gang) to step in and slap them back in some way.

4) Many things help, but they usually mean trade-offs, time and effort in some way.  If you have a max Fighting skill then you will be better defending your parlours. The trade-off being you will not be so good with the filming side.  Work on your Out House stats.  The trade-off is that using the excitement and energy will stop you doing other things.
answered May 4, 2016 by Ehlanna (690 points)
+4 votes
saca las putas de los burdeles y ya no te asaltaran mas ;)


or fight like a man and not cry like a woman
answered May 4, 2016 by Segador (862 points)
edited May 4, 2016 by Segador
+4 votes
answered May 4, 2016 by Maulet (3,238 points)