How do I get to see how many trophies I have won?

+1 vote
When you have a cock fight, you can see how many trophies your oponent has won.  How do I see my own trophies?
asked May 19, 2016 in New Features by danwilko51 (22 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
click on ur name in chat or in your clan list
answered May 19, 2016 by carnacien (1,895 points) simple!
–1 vote
Or click on the gold trophy (just below the red Porn Expo building) and then the gold trophy icon (Trophies - Cock Fight masters).  That will show you both yor trophies and also how you rate against everyone else.  There can be a bit of lag so it may not reflect the actual number immediately after you win a trophy.

You can also get to the same place by clicking on the Rankings menu option in the top right of the screen
answered May 19, 2016 by Ehlanna (690 points)