How to be the best Raider?

+8 votes

My fighting skill is on the max (150), I have only Smith Agent Reloadeds, but some gamer hit me out without any extra efforts. What could I do? Is there more skills I don't know or something?
asked May 26, 2016 in New Features by Apre (55 points)

1 Answer

+11 votes
Best answer
there are some more variables in the equation:

-weapon (the better ever)

-trophies (win all u can)

-mojo (too, the more, better)

-gang rank (yes, is for gang wars, but too for private fights)

-and Outhouse training (yes, for cockfights, but too for raids)
answered May 26, 2016 by Follet_Tortuga (1,385 points)
selected Jun 11, 2016 by Apre
Thank you! I didn't know that Outhouse points or trophies do also... I love these correlations :)