Outhouse Sum and General Tips

+9 votes
I was wondering what a good ideal outhouse SUM would be at level 26.

I'm asking because a lot of people keep saying leveling too fast would be a very bad idea and so far I only have lost two cock fights and won only one. I haven't been raided but I think once I level far enough into let's say, level 40, I'm gonna get raided often.


So what should I be generally doing mostly to defend myself against raiders and random cock fights?

I have so far only been doing cougars, using my only divine hooker girl for the clients that I get from the hotel job, Cruisin' and never did any amateur films cause that levels you up so I just get my actresses to do the delivery deals to level them up.

Oh and I've been doing the outhouse just now, I just don't know what my sum should be at my level which is level 26.
asked May 29, 2016 in FAQ by crash23893 (54 points)

1 Answer

+10 votes
Best answer
well, before talk about, let me tell you that any strategy here can be good, if that is what u lilke


about OH stats sum... there aren't any numbers correct or not for a level... only can do this: the most, the better... for a reference, there are players who sum more than 1 million points... but the most people have them below 10k, at least at medium and low levels

Shame, from CF, cant be avoided, else that 4h protection u get after lose a CF

About raids, yes, in high levels is very frequent to be assaulted, what to do? obvious: fight skill, weapon, guards, all the better... but wallet players have the key, to buy the protection packs (guards who autoheal) and/or buy CC protection against raids for their parlours.
answered May 29, 2016 by Timbaler (2,354 points)
selected May 29, 2016 by crash23893
Thanks for the advice. Will I permanently lose hookers inside the massage parlor that was raided by another player?
no, on raids only lose the money in and ur guards get hurt (can be healed at hospital)
hoes only can be losed at street
Oh okay and I'm guessing that you only lose money that you have on hand and not the ones at the bank then?
-u lose from CASH only in CF (max 15% of your cash)
-in raids,u lose MONEY TO COLLECT in that parlour
-NEVER lose money from BANK