Increase in actress classes

+2 votes
Anyone know what to do for increase class for actress. They keep on asking in the academy INTRODUCTION TO FINDING THE NEW ANGLE in this case which type of film to do and what to do. If anyone know all the requirement like above plz let me know.
asked Jun 19, 2016 in New Features by anagd63 (18 points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
to get actress classes go to academy and then click on the lady. An actress can complete a class for every two levels. the only requirements thus are level and cash.
answered Jun 19, 2016 by Firefiend (67 points)
To fulfil that requirment what to do. Becoz i m filmimg every time but it is not increading in star
Stars and level are two different things. Stars that are shown with an actress represent Sex Appeal. To increase this you need to work them in the gym or use Spa Treatments. The sex appeal cannot exceed max sex appeal. so at one point the stars will stop increasing depending on the sex appeal of the actress.
In academy there are various classes. The film school just requires cash to get into a semester and start the various courses. If you want to increase classes done by an actress (denoted by graduation hat and number) you click on the lady at the academy and you will be shown to the area where actresses can do classes. For every two levels an actress can do a class. An actress level is increased gradually by jobs in the tent and filming/photoshoots