Wet dream Palace...Is it worth the cost?

+2 votes
Is the wet dream palace worth the cost of 150,000 pendants or 100CC? Only 1 bed and $4000/hr doesn't seem too great to me so why the hefty price tag?
asked Jun 25, 2016 in FAQ by scar69 (59 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
I'm currently getting 16K/hour with it, so ... will depend on the ethnicity match and level and sex appeal, etc, of the girl.
answered Jun 25, 2016 by Ehlanna (690 points)
+1 vote
just like every brothel id say its a bad investment if u just look at  $$$ but if u wanna compete in the pimp league, its useful to have more brothels to accumulate earnings.
answered Jun 25, 2016 by carnacien (1,895 points)