9+ ratting in virgin defloration for pro licence

+2 votes
how to get 9 + rating for pro license. i tried to select all the hot item going on particular day i.e. girls and location.

is there any setting in camera view and sex toys for getting 9+ rating
asked Jun 28, 2016 in New Features by anagd63 (18 points)

2 Answers

+2 votes
Don't go purely on hot items - they can be a red herring and not give as good a bonus as other locations can give.

Use your best girl (highest sex appeal - at least 50 or 60), best location, best position and best toy.
answered Jun 29, 2016 by Ehlanna (690 points)
Thats what i m asking what is the best loction,best position, best toy and best camera setting.I have the girl above 60+
+4 votes
Actress: 50 SA, Happy mood, any Ethny

Location: Museum or Cruise, Position 69, Toy better than Male Suit (any of 3 last toys, the expensive ones)

u must do it with some risk being catched by police, if u succes, 9 is urs ;)
answered Jun 29, 2016 by Conqueridor (816 points)