Are MegaOrgasmer 5000 and Transpo-Erecto-Launcher safe to use?

+7 votes
Their radiation levels have any effect on human health? Special Relativity was involved in their design? Thx ;)
asked Jul 25, 2016 in FAQ by Follet_Tortuga (1,385 points)

2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
are totally safe, dont worry about
answered Jul 29, 2016 by Escorxador (1,486 points)
selected Jul 29, 2016 by Follet_Tortuga
+3 votes
Yes, completely safe, due to heavy shielding of pre-firing chambers. Although weapons operate on different principles, typical radiation levels are almost equal: 0.8μSv/h and 0.6μSv/h, respectively. Not only special relativity, but quantum mechanics – or more precise quantum field theory – is involved in their design. For complete understanding of MegaOrgasmer 5000, you need to employ AdS/CFT, too. I intended to throw some equations, but Hotline text editor doesn’t support TeX inputs.
answered Jul 25, 2016 by oggy (266 points)
good! what radiation range use? gamma rays or high energy radiation, or maybe microwaves, on low frequency spectre? maybe some nuclear fision battery orthe new cold deuterium/tritium fusion? thx in advance, doc ;)
No, we are far beyond that. Once Leidenfrost effect is handled, the matter-antimatter reaction generator is used. It produces high energy gamma radiation due to annihilation process, some residual relativistic electrons and inert, harmless neutrino emissions. However, further versions will use micro-singularity power cell, and HCL weapon experts are working day and night on zero-point vacuum energy extraction apparatus.