how to build up sex appeal on Actresses

+1 vote
how dose one build up the sex appeal of there actreses and don't give answers drawing stupid pink panther pictures as that not an answer
asked Aug 1, 2016 in New Features by johno1 (48 points)

7 Answers

+2 votes
a girl simply cant go above he potential, so in your case u need find better girls (either by using casting, or shooting  ur fuckbuddies till they wanna go pro)


once that happens, u work them at fitness (for 15 sex appeal per mensuration) and/or pay a treatment at the spa (40 sa max)
answered Aug 1, 2016 by carnacien (1,895 points)
+3 votes
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answered Aug 2, 2016 by Maulet (3,238 points)