positions are missing in pro films

+2 votes
in pro film script writing i got doggy style and reversed cowgirl positions and i made some films using those. but now they are (the two positions i mentioned above) not available when writing scripts. why is that?
asked Aug 5, 2016 in FAQ by kanisupun (95 points)

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
2 options:

-they are unavailable because u got the limit on total number positions used in that script

see above the positions bar filling when u assign them... when is full, u cant assign any more

-or u used a "scripter" low level who can't write for that positions,

try to deal with the high level scripter u can with the green check for that script
answered Aug 5, 2016 by Maulet (3,238 points)
selected Aug 17, 2016 by kanisupun
no i mean they are not showing in the list that can be added. also the helicopter combination also missing in the discovered combination list.
If you have unlocked the positions then you must have used a low level script writer for your movie. Always choose the highest priced writer that has the green check mark in his description.
+3 votes
Second option of Maulet should be right. Try to use better writer (higher level) otherwise your film length and available positions will be reduced.
answered Aug 5, 2016 by Jack69 (2,314 points)