How to Throw a Great Party to get Girls!

+1 vote

Let me answer your question with a proven method that has worked for me!

First off you do not need a date to get girls! What you want is Fuck Buddies!

You not need a Big Dick to get girls! What you need is Mojo!

You do not need a great car to get girls! But Cars do add Mojo! So a good one is recommended!

I got my First 2 Devine girls at level 40! I have 8 now!

First off I have over 19000 Mojo! And one time had 100 million in Bank!

Parties are the fastest way to get girls over 75!

I am talking about Big Ball Buster Parties! Not Rinky Dink ones!

Yarla’s Party Supply List: - Liquor

Tequila – 60 Bottles

Rum – 60 Bottles

Champagne – 60 Bottles

Yarla’s Party Supply List: - Party Favors

Rohypnol - 200

Opium - 200

Mescaline – 200

·         Max out your Liquors and Drugs using the scroll bar! As much as you can!

Most people who play the game do not experiment! If you research the origin of each drug and Liquor you find out the girls you get are directly related!

The above selection should yield a wide selection of different girls! If your Mojo is high enough, many should be over 75!

Add every girl you have to the party! It is not about making money off the party! It is about getting girls!

Pay for maximums security or use a coin! Estimated cost for party over 500,000!

Use what you can afford at first! This party yields over 18 girls 10 over 75+

Get your hands on some diamonds to bring Divine Girls into your stable!

* Experiment with what you have now, to get better results later!

As you go up in rank start deleting girls you do not need! 

Also do not be affraid to get rid of earlier real eastate that you bought when you first started!

You should put Quality First! 

asked Aug 17, 2016 in FAQ by Yarla (92 points)
edited Aug 17, 2016 by Yarla

2 Answers

+8 votes
thx u so much ;)
answered Aug 17, 2016 by Maulet (3,238 points)
this is a GOOD GUIDE:

and 99% players never read it... so, what do u expect?
and come for us when u want ;) we like fights so much
+7 votes
answered Aug 17, 2016 by Conqueridor (816 points)
Unfortunately number does not get you Girls! There is much more to what I have found out! But I guess you never know! But that is what so fun about this game! I do not have to tell you how it is truly done! Your Loss I guess! But what I have said should help the new people! If you are going to give an answer! Please keep it on Subject! I can tell you do not understand what I am talking about by your answer!
lmao XD "the great yarla!" lol
In time players will start asking me how do I get a Divine Arab or Divine Asian Girl! I do not think they will be asking you! Like I said I did the research! Mine get results!  I can show my results! Can You! Enough Said!
Hard! I doubt it! You guys are so Silly! Put your Small Brain and Legs out to try to prove you right! Don't get made Bro! How much coin did you put out and show me the Proof! You are a liar and not a very good one! Attack Each one of you! No Balls! Girly Men! Just words!
p.s.: not a single buck....
I Call you out! Show the proof! Just a Screen Shot! Small Man! I am kicking your guys asses on this! Your way is not the only way! My way is Better! How time do you suck on you small middle toe in a Day?! Giggles!
screenshot of me sucking my toe?

p.s.:I rarely suck toes but maybe today