#gang of Shadows stuck?

+2 votes
Ok my gang has a gang of shadows running which has been stuck for weeks. Click on the CCTV camera in gang bar to see opponents and there is a level 11 and a level 19 visible. Sadly no one in the gang is sufficiently low level to attack them, when I try im told they are too low level and the fight would be unfair.

So any of you experienced players know what to do other than hope to get an active member who can kill them? It seems crazy than one of the parts of the gang related game is just stuck forever.

Any advice even how to cancel and restart would be great.
asked Sep 8, 2016 in FAQ by rebar (27 points)

1 Answer

+5 votes
2 options:

-call developer and ask for repair (it works)

-fire the 2 original shadows (members which shadow remain) and later rejoin them (too works)
answered Sep 8, 2016 by Timbaler (2,354 points)
oh! a 3rd  option! recruit some player with required level to raid them
as timbaler said, u just have to click on those shadows to see the avatar, and take the 2 players out whose shadow block u (if they re still active, they can rejoin after 24 hours)