Why does sex appeal sometimes go down in fitness studio?

+2 votes
When i have a girl in the fitness studio with low sex appeal and i ask for work to be done on her hips, waist, etc

sometimes her sex appeal goes down instead of up?

Has anyone else seen this, and now why?

Is it linked to the excitement level i have (hardness of dick)

I cant work it out.
asked Sep 9, 2016 in FAQ by jagerbob69 (50 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Just to add, its also when care is low, that the sex appeal and care seem to go down not up, when i the fitness studio is trying to work on them.

Still havent worked out how you raise this.

Its nothing to do with their potential by the way.
answered Sep 10, 2016 by jagerbob69 (50 points)
+4 votes
Sex appeal is divided into fitness and SPA. SPA treatments can improve sex appeal by 40 points and are for good when done once.

The remaining 60 points can be achieved by doing fitness at the gym. Here you have 4 categories (chest, waist, hips and weight). Each one should be balanced (close to zero) and add 15 points sex appeal. You can increase all of them (in 10 minutes) or decrease one of them (in 5 minutes).

And because this would be a one time task and admin wants some money/CC from you, they introduced the random change. Over time (at least daily) they change the values a little bit (up and down), so you have to keep them in shape or have to pay CC for auto fitness service (this service just keeps the values, it does not increase their sex appeal, which still has to be done by you).

Show the world what kind of pimp you are (lazy or broke) and care for your girls.

Have fun ;-)
answered Sep 10, 2016 by Jack69 (2,314 points)
and remember to have them happy or u will get a face slap ;P
This is quite a good answer, and I have worked out the answer to my original query now.

But I have a new question (or 2)......

Can sex Appeal be raised beyond the potential at all, in any way possible?
If the answer is no.... then what is the point in Spa treatments?
I say this, because spa treatments are riddiculously expensive compared to the Chick Gym, & I am able to get a girls sex appeal to the apparent max just from the chick gym.
Also, if its for their overall satisfaction purpose, again this is cost effective to spend 30,000 80,000 or 100,000 plus, when you can raise the satisfacton of all your girls with gifts for under 7k for 4 or 5 girls in one spend.
One other thing I only just noticed from your post, which might answer my question.
Since at my level all girls are around 40 maximum potential, and you can get a girls sex appeal to 40 just from chick gym, then maybe there is no need for spa at all.
Its only the other 60 points beyond 40, where the spa treatments are relevant, right? is that what you are saying?