bunga party 25 min?

+1 vote
Why is a bunga party sometimes very short - only 25 min (instead of the usual 2 hours)?
I checked that the "inputs" were the same - the number of girls, liquor, candies. It has happened to me 2-3 times at least. Is it just a random event - to make the game more interesting?
asked Oct 2, 2016 in FAQ by 581c (84 points)

2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
You are right the period of your party is random (same can be said about the quality of the outcome).

In your place i would be happy about 25 min, because you can visit your party five times for free ;-)
answered Oct 3, 2016 by Jack69 (2,314 points)
selected Oct 3, 2016 by 581c
thanks, Jack. (I was already beginning to doubt myself - that perhaps I somehow messed up when choosing the party inputs after all.)

Interesting - I have not succeeded in visiting the same party more than twice, will try the next time, it happens
0 votes
do u have drags
answered Oct 3, 2016 by suvo2608 (68 points)
no I am all out, can you give some, please?
join fuck of battle and u can win drags