Where do I find my Damage and Strength stats?

+1 vote
Gun Shop has Weapon Damage +X%, therefore X = damage.

Gun Shop has Strength +Y%, therefore Y = Strength.

I am substituting the numbers shown in the Gun Shop with variables X and Y.

But, where do I find the base stats to determine the outcome after the percentage is added?

And, is there a way to see another player's modified (or even unmodified) base stats for Damage and/or Strength?
asked Oct 3, 2016 in FAQ by rkcompsys (36 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
i dont think anybody can see that
answered Oct 3, 2016 by suvo2608 (68 points)
+2 votes

Base stats are determined by fighting skill points. You can distribute 5 skill points when you reach next level, or redistribute existing for 25CC. You can’t see other player’s strength, before the attack.

Some features, like gentleman’s gun, give you additional strength.

answered Oct 4, 2016 by oggy (266 points)