Das Spiel im Casino funktioniert nicht. Was ist der Grund?

+5 votes
asked Oct 26, 2016 in New Features by JeHa (17 points)

3 Answers

0 votes

tell me what  this means  in english and i might be able to help you

answered Oct 29, 2016 by zippor (35 points)
0 votes
The game asks me if i'm sure that my browser supports java?
i'm using firefox on mac osx. Java script is enabled, but the game freezes.
When i try safari i can see 5 gambling tables. If i click on one I'm out of the game immediately....

So what can i do?
answered Oct 29, 2016 by Hirtenjunge (18 points)
not play in casino, save ur time for better events ;)
+1 vote
Most likely you are using an add-on which blocks scripts from not defined webpages (for example NoScript)?

The casino needs scripts from tlfactory.pl .

Don't play too much ;-)
answered Oct 29, 2016 by Jack69 (2,314 points)
and I guess Safari is not supported in game, although Apple user are willing to pay more ...