Why is the new Casino so often empty?

+23 votes
I have a few theories in this topic myself, but could be there are other reasons?

1) The Casino game interface blocks the rest of the game, so when you go there you can't do anything else

2) A game in the Casino obviously require at least 2 players, but I can imagine that the first player there will not wait for very long for someone else to arrive (because of number 1 above)

3) Casino chips get really expensive, really fast, low level players have almost no choice but to use paid CC to get chips (perhaps this is intentional)


I think for the Casino to be a successful part of HCL something needs to change in order to get more players to go there.
asked Nov 11, 2016 in FAQ by bronto (79 points)

4 Answers

0 votes
IAll reasons you named are right.  But the main reason for me is your first one. It´s terrible if you want getting a cup in cockfights and play in the casino for example. Maybe HCL should fix first the other bugs instead of inventing new parts in the game.
answered Nov 11, 2016 by ghostrider204 (26 points)
+16 votes
the main problem there... is nobody sucks ur cock while ure waiting the comrades ;) lol

really, casino sucks everywhere, no coins machines, no rulettes, no girls, no cups, no nothing
answered Nov 11, 2016 by Timbaler (2,354 points)
+2 votes
gotta add that it should be accessible from jail/hospital, even if it s not realistic, it would be a big improvement i think
answered Nov 19, 2016 by carnacien (1,895 points)
I agree. Playing the Casino locks us out from accessing all other features, so it should be accessible when we're in Jail/Hospital.
0 votes
Ever considered  the "duplicate Tab"  feature available  in your browser ?   At least, in chrome and Firefox is available

Game works, despite some nuisances.
answered Nov 27, 2016 by gimpsyit (184 points)