I am unable to connect to facebook,

0 votes
My facebook email changed since i signed up for this site,and i cannot coonect to get the coins.
asked Dec 11, 2016 in FAQ by Snakeit (54 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

lucky for you ;)

edit on 2016-12-11:
There were 2 reasons for my answer
1) you should not announce to the world that you are playing this game.
(if you manage to hide your true identity in facebook, then go ahead.)

2) on level 46 you should already realize that you do not need the 5 extra CC-s. When you reach level 50 then you can receive them from your friends as gifts.
answered Dec 11, 2016 by 581c (84 points) 1 flag
edited Dec 11, 2016 by 581c
What as useless anaswer.
try to be more polite, even if the answer is not what you expected.
+3 votes
facebook is like black pest
answered Dec 11, 2016 by Follet (53 points) 1 flag
What is the point of having the link if one can't  use it ?