how do you get 15 pts for space station

+3 votes
asked May 17, 2017 in New Features by the_Pearl (83 points) 1 flag

2 Answers

+6 votes
Not sure what you mean by points? To get the new space station you need $15,000,000,000 or 200 CC's for each stage to build it. There are 10 stages so you need a giant fucking shit pile of cash or 2000 CC's.
answered May 17, 2017 by scar69 (59 points)
Thanks , I should of said stages.
won't be shooting any moon shots for awhile
+4 votes
What I would like to know is why anyone would spend $150 000 000 000 or 2000 CC just to be able to shoot another type of movie? I realise thoose movies could probably generate a shitload of cash, but so what?

Is anyone going to, is perhaps someone already doing it? If so, please tell me why, it's a sincere question and I would appreciate a sincere answer.
answered May 19, 2017 by rubberduck (678 points)
While I don't have that sort of money, I can understand why it's so expensive. Something about inflation and deteriorating value of money. I wasn't motivated to play the game any longer after having upgraded all buildings, Booble, actresses' apartments and so on. Had too much money, but nothing to do with it. This was before I was pointed out to the money required for gang ranks (after which I realised I really didn't have enough money!). So that's possibly the idea behind the developers putting out such an expensive feature. Perhaps plenty of top players got bored having reached high gang rank after generating 2-3G of cash through each movie. Just a guess.
Well... Of course players get bored when the game doesn't offer new challenges. But what's new about making movies? A new setting, new scripts and studio settings to figure out, but what else? I've addressed this issue in other post in the past and still think there are more interesting things to develop. For example, the grooming of the actresses could be much more interesting if the possibility of striving to meet other client demands than just the "standard beautiful". There are lots of fetishes that could be explored. And I'm sure some would like to add lesbian and gay possibilities to the game. And of course the soccer game, originally added as a joke, could be much more than it's present form.
I see your point now.
Then we are two! How knows, maybe some day we'll be many more. :-)
Interesting ideas.