the income from Booble building is reduced too much and i dont know what happened ?

+1 vote
asked May 21, 2017 in New Features by sstarwood1 (136 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Best answer
You should check the amount of your booble followers.

When your actresses at the web cam rooms are busy (while making films for example), you could lose signers. Also not uploading films (when you used to this this before) could reduce your followers. And less followers means less income.

You could do something against it with pormotions (costs up to 1M for 24h) or you have do redesign your production chains or reduce fee/income;-)
answered May 21, 2017 by Jack69 (2,314 points) 1 flag
selected May 22, 2017 by sstarwood1
wow, this was fast (the best answer), but why the flag?

PS: Can i win soccer against you this week (just kidding;-)?