what are the mechanics to install a hostile parlor?

+14 votes
asked Aug 10, 2017 in New Features by Flacuserectus (41 points)

3 Answers

+11 votes
devs call Mario Bros to add a new feature and bug the whole game ;D
answered Aug 10, 2017 by Escorxador (1,486 points)
+4 votes

tl;dr version: It's another mechanism for strong players to bully weaker players

There are 2 sides to the hostile parlour. One of the Host and other the Attacker.


  • He has to defeat the Host in a cockfight to get the right to build a parlour.
  • He then gets 3 choices of parlours. One that gives 5% of Host's parlour income (bought for $10,000). Another for 10% of income (bought for $100,000). And a third that gives 15% of income (for 5 Candy Coins).
  • The parlour is constructed in 1 hour's time (host is notified immediately as construction starts).
  • Attacker can then put up to 8 warriors as security of parlour.
  • Parlour is available to him, squeezing cash from Host, for 7 days. Unless Host fights back.


  • Host sees a parlour in red colour appear on map. He can set up to 8 warriors to attack the enemy.
  • 6 successful attacks are needed to evict the Attacker.
  • An attack can be done every hour.
  • A max of 3 attacks can be done in a day. So, Attacker is assured of day's income as minimum.

The Fight:

  • It's the warriors that fight each other. So their stats decide who wins.
  • Additionally, players can increase chances of winning by collecting cash from street, delivery deals, and clients. Whoever, among the two, has collected higher gets a higher attack bonus.
answered Sep 25, 2017 by sudhsaddicted (149 points)
0 votes
Terrible gimic, just plain idiotic concept... unlike the Casino, which is a great gimic!!
answered Oct 11, 2017 by katleblond (24 points)
You had a clown for breakfast. Am I right?