whats the meaning to upgrade to sergeant pinscher

+1 vote
asked Dec 26, 2017 in FAQ by charvelguy (13 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
As you go up in gang ranks you become better at doing things for/within youir gang; such as Fuck-Of BVattles and Gang Battles
answered Dec 26, 2017 by Ehlanna (690 points)
Too much Whiskey Cola at Christmas? Or just too late?
shake spear e trembles
+13 votes
ah the gang ranks...

how dificult to people to buy them... so expensive and... seeming useless...

think about like the colour belts in martial arts...

fight a black belt with white one... try it... and not only in gang events, too in your private leagues or fights/raids/sabotages

answered Dec 31, 2017 by Escorxador (1,486 points)