Simplest solution to cockfights

+4 votes
CAP OUTHOUSE SKILLS. I read various post people complaining about cockfights, I don't care for them myself either. Some want to be exempt or put people in jail or some such nonsense.
 I'm not good in outhouse skills. I'm better than some worse than others. Capping the outhouse per level would balance the game a bit more. I read there are those out there with a million+ already. If so then I should quit now because the game is not that fun to go through that. Reminds me of the southpark episode about the WoW guy "he who has no life" killing every character.
  I understand the broke dick aspect generates some CC, but how much does it lose. How many players quit altogether because of cockfights how many would be payers. I took a hiatus for a couple years seen new features been implemented in my absence, but they're meh. I'm already starting to feel the loathing of sitting day in day out of grinding and thinking about other games to play.
 Capping outhouse skills would be the simplest solution to competitive play. Say for example you're lvl 100 then make the cap in total 100k. Player can adjust them and do a reset like the other skills. It's the simplest solution to levelling the playing field and making it less grindy.


asked Feb 18, 2018 in New Features by DickHertz (17 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Git gud! lol
answered Feb 18, 2018 by MrMeeseeks (14 points)
–2 votes
Just to play devil's advocate a bit - why not also cap how mamy hours per day you can play?  Why not limit just how many CCs per day people can use.  Why not ... how about just making it an electronic flip of a coin to see if you win?
answered Feb 20, 2018 by Ehlanna (690 points)
I'm talking about fixing an exploit and also making it less of a grind. You ever notice the antibot feature? Obviously there are people who abused this feature for an advantage to make the game less fun for everyone else.
An exploit?  You mean playing the game more than you is an exploit? Yeah, right.
ehli the exploiter not want to lose her time wasted here ;D
btw, i must agree with her, one time and only, i expect ;P
game not must be fair, either artificially equalizer...
life is hard, and big fish will eat ever little one, u cant change that
Oh excuse me I meant to say something that was a some point an exploit. That's why they have an antibot now. I'm sure some determined person has already circumvented that though.
+8 votes
this is a COMPETITION game, and as in life, who spend more MONEY, more hours or/and have more skills, win

get accostumed or get on knees and suffer

and ofc, play dirty is immoral, but too in life, and that people must be punished, but u cant ask them to be fair if they not want...


the only i can agree with u is that unfair vantages for money wasters... that vantages must be accesible for free players, at much more time cost and work, ofc, but have a chance to get them, as some stuff now just is
answered Feb 21, 2018 by Drac_Negre (368 points)
edited Feb 21, 2018 by Drac_Negre
Life does suck, but a game should always be balanced enough so everyone has an equal chance. I don't mind spending a few bucks on games to help developers and I also don't mind spending time on games I enjoy.

 An uncapped outhouse makes this a game for the stupid. Either by spending to much time or money on it.