Failing amateur movies

+1 vote
Hi, does anyone know why I keep failing when filming amateur movies? Out of 10 movies that I film, about 7 are fails and the message says that the actress doesnt want to work with me anymore. Not sure which stat affects that as no description mentions amateur movies. I'm at level 70 learning last semester at filming school.
asked Aug 2, 2020 in FAQ by r4zzl3y (153 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
How many skill points do you have for Artistic Vision? That will directly impact your movie making skill. I'm a level 57 with 53 AV skill points. I've never had an actress leave me and most of my amateur movies end up 9.4+.
answered Aug 2, 2020 by FrigginFrancis (80 points)
Damn, I have 82 Artistic Vision. I guess Im doing something wrong huh
0 votes

Maybe are you using a wrong sex toy. I think you have a 100% chance of success until the bondage set. After that, the % drop, and you can fail your movie, resulting in a very low note.

Next time you select the sex toy, look  the stat, and look the whole stats on the last windows before starting to film, to be sure you have 100% chance of success.
answered Aug 2, 2020 by RicMysoth (274 points)
Great point. I failed many times early on with the wrong toy.
I thought about that but depending on the type of the movie, my percentages of success go up to 550%! Or so the game says. Yet often they fail
Aren't you talking about the quality? There is another % for the chances of success, that are 100% max
YES thank you! I finally found it! Its the toys window, I always used the spray but now I noticed that it only has 44% of success. Thank you all for the answers! <3
Keep taking film classes. Once you get into the level 60 classes you become proficient with the high level toys. Those % chances will increase as you complete classes.